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devinaglory (ketua)
sherlyyunita (art director)
bellakarina (copywriter)
product value chain:


she uses the product for storage. ex: jewelry storage, etc.she uses the product for a long time, or until she found a better product for the same uses.after the product passed its peak moment (or is changed by other product), she will use it for another uses. ex: garlic storage, seasoning storage, etc.
on buying things, she prefers a product that has a definite function, she'll not buy if it doesn't have a certain function. she's the kind of person who will think numerous times before she buys a product.she prefers a product that has a feminine design with an ethnic and cultural touch.she likes to keep things tidy and organized and likes to recycle things so it doesn't go to waste.she likes cultural things (such as batik), and seek it wherever she goes.she likes to make things on her own. ex: she designed her outfit using fabrics she buys.she is an open-minded person. she doesn't really set future for her children but let them grow and think as they could. but she also wants their children to have realistic thinking of today's society. She the "quality over quantity" type of person, she prefers meeting one or two true friends, rather than having a lot of friends who don't feel like friends.she is 'technology-challenged'. she hardly understands how the technology works nowadays. she recently learns how to navigate instagram and electronic payment applications.she actually likes to travel but constrained because of a lack of budget and time.